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Yard lines, Numbers, Arrows, Ticks, and Hashes.
We offer the option of almost any custom color, in addition to the standard white.
We have found that most fields do not have accurate markings!
FIELD DOTS, LLC can make sure that your field markings
are as accurate as your dots!
There are a number of options to "Fix A Field" with inaccurate markings. We can often provide a solution that will look good at a price cheaper than having to reseal or sand blast your surface! Examples:
This is an example of a field with inaccurate markings that was repainted WITH our cover up system.
These photos show that we have covered the old, inaccurate markings with gray.
We then painted the accurate markings with black,
though you can use any color.
(The white lines are parking stalls.)
We have added several shades of gray this year to more accurately match various concrete surfaces. Of course, black cover up is available as well for asphalt surfaces.
This is an example of a field with inaccurate markings
that was repainted WITHOUT our cover up system.
This is awful! Field Dots will not deliberately paint an inaccurate field. Sadly, so many yard lines, numbers, and markings are not correct.
Let us make your whole field as accurate as your dots!
If current markings are very faded, or if you can power wash them off, we always suggest that as a first step.
Sealcoating asphalt gives you a new blank field, but is expensive.
Sandblasting concrete is very expensive and messy.
We can provide any of these things,
but having your maintenance department
power wash, followed up our cover up paint and new markings is ususally the most cost effective method.
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